Use your open spaces to generate clean energy

Your open spaces are more than just unused pieces of land - they are a valuable resource that can offer you not only ecological but also financial benefits. By concluding a lease or rental agreement for the installation of solar systems on your open spaces, you can not only contribute to sustainable energy generation, but also generate economic benefits for yourself.

Benefits for land owners:

    • Additional income: By renting or leasing your open spaces for solar installations, you will receive regular rental income or rental payments, which can help to cover the maintenance costs of your open spaces.
    • Sustainability and environmental protection: Using your open spaces for solar energy helps to reduce environmental pollution and CO2 emissions. You become part of the movement towards clean energy.
    • Long-term value retention: Installing solar panels can increase the value of your property. Future buyers or tenants appreciate the opportunity to use renewable energy, which can have a positive effect on the value or attractiveness of your open spaces.
    • No investment costs: In contrast to buying your own solar panels, a lease or rental agreement does not incur any investment costs. You benefit from the advantages of solar energy without having to invest in the installation yourself.

Make the most of your open spaces and benefit from the many advantages of a partnership for the installation of solar systems. Contact us today to find out more about our offers.

Why choose Energiekaufhaus ?

    • Specialists for open-space solar system leases - for your optimal start as a new owner.
    • Extensive experience in the acquisition of contracts to ensure that you, as the new owner, receive the best possible conditions.
    • Maximum profitability and optimum conditions for you as the new owner.
    • Transparent and efficient negotiation processes to ensure that your investment is profitable for you as the new owner.
    • Support for individual needs and projects - for a tailor-made solution as a new owner.

Rely on our expertise to procure the necessary lease and rental agreements for your ground-mounted solar installations. We make the process as smooth as possible so that you, as the new owner, can concentrate on generating clean energy. Contact us today to find out more about our services for acquiring ground leases for solar installations as a new owner.

Worldwide connection

Especially when it comes to mobile communications and renewable energies, it is important to keep an eye on global developments and trends. That's why we value international exchange with business partners and customers. We are in contact with owners of open spaces, mast sites and facilities worldwide. In this way, we are always up to date and can offer you future-proof services and products.



Our happy customers include well-known companies and corporations, some of which operate internationally. The company logos displayed are only a small excerpt. We will send you further references upon request.